Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Long time no see

After the last post I wrote, I thougt I'd be blogging more regularly, but obviously I did'nt. It has been wonderful not having to think about school all the time. Most of the extra time I've got on my hands now has been spent on knitting and reading about knitting, on blogs and otherwise. Reading other people's blogs has made me feel a bit guilty though. I kept thinking I should really post on my own blog again. Maybe sometimes you just need to take a bit of a time-out, and I suppose this was mine. I hope I'll be able to make a fresh start.
I took on something new: I joined Summer of Socks (sorry, link doesn't work), a sock KAL. Part of the reason for doing this is that I hope it will inspire me to blog on a more regular basis. The most important reason is that I just like to knit socks of course.
I'm quite excited about it; I've seen that lots of bloggers have already signed up, so it should be fun.
There were things I wanted to show you as well, but my camera and I are not on speaking terms, so I'm afraid that will have to wait. I've been knitting a bag, socks of course, a pullover (my first design, first knit in the round project) and some mitts. I also went to a fair in Zwolle and had my birthday in february, so there is quite a bit of yarn to show as well.
I suppose my camera and I will have to kiss and make up, so definately some pictures in the next post.


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